Liam's 5-25-15 WOD

Join gyms around the world on May 25 to participate in the annual Liam's 5-25-15 WOD.

The workout is done in honor of 15-month Liam Kowal who was killed by a drunk driver to raise awareness against drunk driving.

Liam’s parents started Liam’s Life Foundation in honor of Liam, to combat drunk driving (no country in the world loses as many lives per year to drunk driving as the U.S).

Liam’s WOD has been done across the world over the past few years and this year, we will also contact local media in the area, to spotlight people working together to end the senseless and selfish act of drunk driving, as well as the need for organ donors (Liam donated his organs).

Mishel EderEVENT