Could Lower BAC Limit for CA Drivers Prevent DUI Deaths

Liam’s Life Foundation and Liam’s Law featured on Spectrum News:

PUBLISHED 9:08 AM ET MAR. 21, 2019 UPDATED 9:08 AM ET MAR. 21, 2019

HAWTHORNE, CA – Each year, more than 10,000 people die from drunk-driving crashes.

  • 10,000 people die annually from drunk-driving crashes

  • Retired MMA fighter lost son to drunk driver

  • AB 1713 could lower CA driver's legal BAC to .05.

One retired MMA fighter’s family found out firsthand when they lost their 15-month old son Liam to a drunk driver in Hawthorne. Now, that family is advocating for stricter laws.

Two-and-a-half years ago, 15-month-old Liam Kowal lost his life when a drunk driver crashed into his aunt and his stroller while they were crossing a Hawthorne crosswalk. Moments later, his family realized what had happened.

“I ran down Hawthorne Boulevard in the middle of the road to find my son’s stroller in two pieces and my son’s little green frog just lying on the ground,” Marcus Kowal said.

Read the full article here.


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